Miller Harris Lawyers, one of the leading law firms in North Queensland, has won the Queensland Law Society (QLS)’s Equity and Diversity Award for 2017 in the Small Legal Practice Category (legal practices with 20 or fewer legal practitioners). This is the second year in a row that Miller Harris Lawyers has won the award. Nominations came from throughout Queensland and were judged across four main criteria:
- Promotion of diversity within the law profession
- Equity initiatives
- Policies supporting equal opportunity
- Flexible work practices
“We’re delighted to win the award again in 2017.” Partner Melissa Nielsen said. “To top the state in this award category is something we are extremely proud of. It recognises the variety of initiatives we have put in place to support equity and diversity within our workplace. The diversity of thought and opinion that comes from employing people from a range of different backgrounds is a key strength of our business and provides us with a competitive edge. We are also conscious of the evolution of our workplace over time. More and more people are seeking flexible working arrangements and as an employer, we have adapted our policies to provide this flexibility to ensure we attract and retain high calibre people. Of our team of over 30 people, 42% are currently employed on flexible working arrangements. It’s a two way street. Our team certainly go the extra mile when needed and we’re flexible in return. Unfortunately it is not possible to accommodate every request, but being open minded to innovative and practical ideas from our staff has certainly contributed to staff retention and happiness in our workplace” Melissa went onto say. “I personally have benefited from the firm’s flexible working arrangements through a flexible return to work following parental leave on a number of occasions. This flexibility has enabled me to appropriately balance my continued career progression with the commitments associated with raising a young family. All three of our senior associates are also currently employed on flexible working arrangements whilst caring for young families.”
Miller Harris Lawyers has operated successfully in North Queensland for over 25 years providing a wide range of business and personal legal services to corporates, government agencies, not for profit organisations, businesses and individuals.