World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

by | Jun 15, 2017 | General News

In the 2016 financial year, the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit estimated that just over $280 million dollars had been misappropriated by 89 attorneys.  The available evidence suggests that most elder abuse occurs within the family and is intergenerational, with mothers most often being the subject of abuse by sons, although abuse by daughters is also common, and fathers are victims too.

Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD); day to raise awareness and support for those victims suffering from abuse.

Our wills and estate solicitor, Bianca Stafford feels strongly about the growing trend of elder abuse in the community, and believes that community awareness and education is key in helping detect and prevent elder abuse.

Elder abuse takes many forms (i.e. financial, emotional and physical abuse). The most common form of elder abuse we see as lawyers, is financial abuse, which may include an attorney misusing their powers under an enduring power of attorney, by taking or using money or property improperly.

If you are concerned that you may be, or know a victim of, elder abuse you can discuss this with your doctor or solicitor, or alternatively you may call the Elder Abuse Helpline on 1300 651 192.

If you would like more information about elder abuse you can find factsheets on the Queensland Government website, or alternatively by contacting our wills and estates solicitor Bianca Stafford on 40369 700 or by email