Natural Disaster Assistance Loans

by | Apr 17, 2018 | General News

Following the disaster of last month’s flooding, the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority have announced two types of low interest loans to assist small businesses and primary producers in Far North Queensland.

The Natural Disaster Assistance loans are available to eligible businesses and primary producers who were affected by the flood event of 6 – 10 March in North Queensland. Small businesses are also able to apply if they were affected by flooding associated with Severe Tropical Cyclone Nora in the period 24 – 29 March.

Eligibility for these loans is assessed on a case by case basis. Local regional area manager Sam Spina is available to aid in eligibility and application enquiries. More information can be obtained from the government’s website at or by phoning 1800 623 946 and booking an appointment with Sam.

This initiative is a joint Queensland and Commonwealth assistance program. Further enquiries should be directed to the website or phone number above.