A Strategic Alliance

by | Aug 31, 2018 | General News

We are pleased to announce an exciting new strategic alliance between Miller Harris Lawyers of Cairns, and the Brisbane Family Law Centre.

As you know we, at Miller Harris Lawyers, have worked with North Queensland businesses and individuals for over 25 years in a range of legal service areas including commercial, business and property law, insolvency, employment law, environment law, native title and cultural heritage law, tax law, wills and estate matters, conveyancing and retirement living.

Our partnership team consists of senior lawyers with decades of experience in their chosen fields, including Accredited Specialists in Business Law and Property Law.

It is in the area of family law that our firm has recognised an opportunity to form a strategic alliance.

Brisbane Family Law Centre (BFLC)  is a boutique family law firm practising only in family law matters.  The firm focuses on providing their clients with a holistic approach through collaborative law, mediation and out of Court dispute resolution.  It is a multi-disciplinary practice offering clients access to counselling and financial professionals in addition to legal services, ensuring holistic solutions during relationship breakdowns.

Although located in Brisbane, the firm has been servicing clients nationally for quite some time and BFLC’s Director, Clarissa Rayward, welcomed the opportunity to increase their service offering by creating an alliance with us.

As a firm, we are always looking for improvements and better ways to conduct our practice, particularly in the context of sensitive areas involving families.  To increase the depth of legal expertise available to our clients, we have formed a strategic alliance with a speciality family law practice in Brisbane.

We see this alliance is in keeping with the spirit of change that is being embraced by pockets of the legal profession.  Both Miller Harris Lawyers and BFLC are breaking down traditional professional boundaries, sharing knowledge and collaborating for the benefit of their customers and teams.

We have seen significant shifts in the way lawyers and law firms offer solutions to their clients.  The future of law will require us to focus carefully on the needs of our clients in a holistic way and by necessity ‘think outside of the traditional law box’.  In the current business environment, it does not matter whether you are a firm in Brisbane or Cairns, what matters is the ability to provide seamless, tailored solutions to our clients wherever they are.

This alliance is just that- a sharing of knowledge and resources between two firms that might be separated by distance but are aligned through their core values and a desire to offer meaningful legal solutions to their clients, wherever they are located.