The answer to this common question is not as simple as you might expect. A person will be considered to be in a de facto relationship if, looking at all the circumstances of the relationship, they have a relationship as a couple and are living together on a “genuine domestic basis”.
The most well-known test for determining whether two people are in a de facto relationship, is whether they have been living together as a couple for more than two years.
It is important to know that a couple can be living together for less than two years and still be considered to be in a de facto relationship. Most commonly, this happens where the couple have a child together, or have intermingled their finances, such as by purchasing a property together.
A lot of people want to avoid being in a de facto relationship because they believe their partner will automatically be entitled to a share of their assets. This is not true.
Even if you are considered to be in a de facto relationship, your partner is not necessarily entitled to a share of your property or assets. The court must first determine whether or not an adjustment of property between the spouses is necessary to do justice between them, based on their respective contributions to the relationship and their future needs. In some circumstances the court will not intervene if the property interests as they stand are just and equitable.
If you would like to discuss your relationship, property settlement or obtain advice on your family law matter, contact
one of our family lawyers today.