Our Expertise

The strategic choice

We have made lawyer expertise a strategic priority for our business, knowing that high levels of expertise delivers better value to you. We have a particular focus on specialist accreditation and post graduate qualification.

Miller Harris Lawyers has the only accredited specialists in Business Law and Property Law in Cairns.

Sean Walsh QLS Accredited Specialist – Business Law

Nigel Hales QLS Accredited Specialist – Property Law

By having such in-depth knowledge in so many areas, we are able to provide you with a level of advice that is unmatched in terms of quality and efficiency.

You also have the peace of mind knowing that you are dealing with professionals who are recognised leaders in their respective fields.

This expertise has contributed to our reputation as one of the leading law firms in North Queensland and when combined with our core values and vision, ensures our clients receive the high-quality services and advice they need – day in and day out.